“Civitas Mariae”. The inscription on the portal of the convent of St. Lucia and St. Agatha in Piazza Vittorio Veneto reminds that Matera in 1954 was proclaimed the Marian town. Besides the town has always been placed under the protection of Our Lady, who is the patron saint since 1389 when the celebrations in honor of Maria SS della Bruna were officially established. But it is a much more ancient devotion, as evidenced by the age-old Marian shrine of Picciano. Perhaps as old as the history of the city, probably since her foundation dedicated to the Mother of the Lord, as one can tell from the same root of the name with the … Mater Sacra. Title therefore absolutely significant for the event, which will fill the emotion the Sassi and the Murgia in the Holy Week…
“It is not any initiative in any place – the director Gianpiero Francese says – Matera is in fact the place where the colours, life, the houses of stone are the natural setting, ideal to commemorate the Passion of Jesus and to relive the pain of the world, that at Easter reborn to new life. The Sassi are therefore a great metaphor for life , where poverty becomes wealth and uniqueness“
So for five days, from March 28 to April 1, the city will offer residents and the thousands of tourists visiting its best face: the Ancients Quarters will be animated with lights, sounds and voices … life, that ends and then reborn with the death and resurrection of Christ. Tomorrow evening the three crosses surrounded by fire will be shown on topo of Murgia Timone, with an installation of lights that will invest the facade of St. Peter Caveoso and all Gravina, and in the background notes of sacred music … a great suggestion of light and sounds … “The Omen”. Which will be repeated on Easter Sunday. In the evenings on Friday and Saturday instead, thirty actors will represent the “Sacred Mater”, referring to the figures of Jesus on the cross with the two thieves, the twelve apostles who shall rise from the caves of Gravina to Golgotha and the Madonna with her desperate crying: one hour of pure spirituality, with a replication immediately after. Sunday and Monday then, in the Park of the Murgia the scenic installation “The Angel of the Resurrection” made by the master Pasquale cartapestaio Nicoletti.
Faith and Passion … Easter at Matera.
Here below, the full program:
Thursday, March 28, 2013
20.00: suggestion of light and sound “The Omen.”
Friday, March 29, 2013
21.30 and 22.30 Mater Sacra “Remember about Me”
Saturday, March 30, 2013
21.30 and 22.30 Mater Sacra “Remember about Me”
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Scenic installation “The Angel of the Resurrection” work of the master Pasquale Nicoletti – Park of the Murgia
Monday, April 1, 2013
Scenic installation “The Angel of the Resurrection” work of the master Pasquale Nicoletti – Park of the Murgia
Photographic exhibition dedicated to the cinema at the Convicinio of St. Anthony