2015 has just begun, but are still alive the memories of the old year. That to me was very positive. Excites me more and more work as tourist guide, from all points of view. I put professionalism and passion, it is crucial to give the best of myself and get rewards. Also and above all human. I never thought, when I started, that clientes often would become friends, but now I have so many, scattered throughout Italy and the rest of the world: Marcella and Rossella from Milan, who already came back and probably will do it again; Massimiliano from Latina and his girlfriend, sisters Daniela and Cinzia from Rome (but lucan of origin) with their families, including grandma; then Ernesto with his wife and friends from Rome, Paola and Umberto from Genoa, Serena and Massimo from Rome that I visited in their beautiful shop in Piazza di Spagna; and then Marianne and her friends, three beautiful Danish ladies; Griffin, professor of Dallas on a mission in Italy, who had come the first time in Matera alone and then come back a year later with his colleague and friend Liz; Geoff and Susan from Michigan, Don and Diana from Chicago, Doug and Jody from Washington, Dianne and Mitch from Northfield.

Signore bolognesi

The lovely Bolognese ladies of the “8 Marzo” group

Not a cold list of names, not simple “postcards”, but faces and voices of great people, of different backgrounds and experiences. That enrich me more and more each passing year. And the one just ended was truly exceptional in this regard. I have in fact met Erzsebet, that I will see again in March with another of his beautiful Swedish groups, Astrid, a colleague from Monaco of Bavaria on vacation in southern Italy with her husband, the lovely Vicky with her girlfriends Dolores and Renee from Dallas; and five couples of Neapolitan travelers with their children, led by Giuseppe, Elisa and Mauro from Como, Andrea from Lucca with his wife and a couple of friends, Marco form Pistoia with his whole family, Patrizia and  Mirka from Pesaro, Eugenio from Rome that soon will return with friends of his club; and  then Hellen, Debbie, Med and David with their kids who spent three lovely days with me in July. Especially nice is also the memory of a beautiful September day spent with the ten Bolognese women of the “8 Marzo” group, captained by Gilberta and Manuela; and the three days of October in the company of Judy, her husband and a couple of friends.

Due coppie americane

Judy and I with her husband and friends

This is a particular story. Her grandfather left for the US from Salandra, a small town in the province of Matera and she came for the first time in the city of Sassi in the spring of 2012, but only for a few hours: time enough, however, to get stunned and promise to return soon; so we kept in touch and in August I get the email with the announcement of their return with another couple of friends, but this time for a three-day stay in the city. In the end, when we said goodbye, I was moved a bit ‘. Even more thinking that probably we’ll see  again this year, again in Matera and this time with the whole family. Waiting to fly to the US to accept their invitation with great pleasure. As well as to all other friends (I can’t call them clients!) scattered in Italy and in the world. Carmelo and Daniela from Siena know something about it: we first met in May last year with the whole group of their club visting Matera and just three months later I was sitting at the table in their house to enjoy lunch with my family!


At Piazza del campo with people from Siena