“With radio you can write or read or cook – Eugenio Finardi says in a famous song of 1976 – you don’t have to stay still sat watching . Maybe that’s what makes me prefer it, because with the radio you do not stop thinking . I love radio because it comes from the people , enter the homes and speaks to us directly … ” . But inMaterafor three days there will be no need to turn it on because the radio…will turn on … the town . With MateRadio in fact, from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd Semptember , the Sassi will be full of sound of Radio3Rai’s voices and music:
” We wanted to bring our festival here – says the director Marino Sinibaldi presenting the third edition , after the great success of the first two held in Matera- because we love the challenges. And Matera can be undoubtedly called the city of the challenge , the challenge of man from its origins to the present day, but also the challenge of becoming modern European Capital of Culture in 2019. We work with culture, beauty, intelligence, contemporary and Matera contains them all: here we’ll express these terms, telling the territory and the city, what has been , but also what can still be. Three days of live programs with lots of music of all kinds, theater, literature and, above all, a great desire to discover this shocking beauty”.
The headquarters will be the Casa Cava in Sasso Barisano, an amazing place that perfectly represents the harmonic melting between ancient and modern , and then the nearby Piazzetta S. Pietro Barisano and Piazza S.Giovanni.
Will be three days of culture. Three days of RadioTre . With its historic programs , live from some of the most beautiful places of the city: ” Fahrenheit “, ” The Four Rivers “, ” Hollywood Party “, ” Radio3 Science ” and others.
Another good chance to fully enjoy the unique beauties of Matera, visiting it in the cool and pleasant climate of September.
All the information and the full program on the website of RadioTre http://www.radio3.rai.it/dl/radio3/programmi/PublishingBlock-4d7cad8f-5629-4fca-9552-b85477cdf178.html